Welcome to Sakura University!

At Sakura University, we take pride in providing our customers with an exceptional training experience. Our training portal offers a diverse range of resources designed to enhance your proficiency in using Sakura instruments. From engaging E-Learnings to comprehensive service and operator manuals, we provide you with the tools necessary to maximize your experience with Sakura instruments. Our commitment to convenience is evident in our Just-In-Time access feature, allowing users to easily and conveniently retrieve the information they need, precisely when they need it.

With a legacy dating back to 1871, Sakura Finetek has established itself as a leader in automation and reliability. As a privately-held company, we have upheld our commitment to excellence for over a century. Throughout our extensive history, we have gained an in-depth understanding of technology, quality, reliability, and the specific requirements of our customers. This knowledge serves as the foundation for our relentless pursuit of innovative solutions that address the real challenges laboratories face on a daily basis.

As a trusted and valued partner in the field of histopathology, Sakura Finetek continues to maintain its reputation. We pride ourselves on being a company that can be relied upon for our unwavering commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. By anticipating developments in technology and market needs, we remain at the forefront of the industry, ensuring that our products consistently meet the evolving demands of our customers.

Join us at Sakura University and experience the difference of partnering with a company that is dedicated to your success in histopathology.

Operator Training

Operator users will need to receive permission in order to gain access rights. To initiate the authorization process, please submit a formal request to the designated email address: train@sakuraus.com. This dedicated channel will serve as the gateway for all access authorization inquiries.
In your email request, kindly provide the following information in full detail:

  1. Complete First and Last Name: [Your First and Last Name]
  2. Affiliated Institution, Lab, or Hospital: [Name of your Institution]
  3. Sakura Area Sales Manager's Name: [Sales Manager's Full Name]
  4. Instrument Purchase Date: [Date of Purchase]
  5. Instrument Serial Number: [Serial Number]
  6. Purpose of Access: Requesting Access for Operator Training

Once you have completed your registration, the internal approval process will take up to 72 hours to become active. 
At the end of the training, users will receive an assessment to complete. Successful completion of the assessment with a passing score of 8 out of 10 (80%) or better will result in receiving a certificate of completion for the training. Users will be given up to 3 attempts to pass the assessment.​
Wishing you every success on your training journey!

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Service Training

Service users will need to receive permission in order to gain access rights. Access privileges are presently restricted to experienced technicians with a minimum of two years of relevant expertise. Once you have completed your registration, the internal approval process will take up to 72 hours to become active.  Users will have the option to purchase electronic trainings on the various instruments being offered on our training portal. Payment options include the use of a valid credit card or the submission of a Purchase Order (PO). To initiate the authorization process, please submit a formal request to the designated email address: train@sakuraus.com. This dedicated channel will serve as the gateway for all access authorization inquiries.
In your email request, kindly provide the following information in full detail:

  1. Complete spelling of your first and last name
  2. Company name
  3. Please indicate that you are requesting access for Service Training

Each video purchased is good for 30 days. Please note that downloading content is limited to one time (1x). At the end of each training, users will receive an assessment to complete. Successful completion of the assessment, with a passing score of 8 out of 10 (80%) or better, will result in receiving a certificate of completion. Users will be given up to 3 attempts to pass the assessment.
Wishing you every success on your training journey!


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